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Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SD dan Kunci Jawaban

Apakah Anda sedang mencari referensi soal-soal untuk olimpiade Bahasa Inggris tingkat Sekolah Dasar terbaru? Maka Anda datang di tempat yang tepat.

Di bawah ini adalah 40 soal pilihan ganda untuk olimpade mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris jenjang SD yang sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Silahkan pergunakan dengan baik. 

Jikalau masih ada yang ditanyakan, jangan ragu untuk menuliskannya di kolom komentar. Kami dan semua pembaca Adi Fun Learning akan sangat senang membaca respon dari Anda. 

1. Jack : What time is it?

Eleanor : It's half past eight. 

a. 8.45

b. 7.30

c. 9.30

d. 8.30

2. Dad : Sheilla, Don't you go to Mira's party? 

Sheilla : What time is it now, Dad?

Dad : It's quarter to six.

Sheilla : Don't worry Dad. I still have 20 minutes. I won't be late. Take it easy.

What time is the party?

a. ten past seven 

b. five past seven

c. quarter to six 

d. five past six

3. The sun sets in the ....

a. east

b. west

c. south

d. south-east

4. Where is Canada?

a. It is in North America.

b. It is in Africa.

c. It is in Australia.

d. It is in Asia.

5. Is Japan in Asia?

a. No, it is not! It is in South America.

b. Yes, it is in Asia.

c. No, it is not. It is in Europe.

d. No, it is not. It is in North America. 

6. One hour contains .... minutes or ..... seconds.

a. 60, 360

b. 60, 3600

c. 36, 6000

d. 36, 360

7. Albert Einstein is a/an ....

a. President of USA.

b. scientist.

c. explorer.

d. famous singer.

8. Choose the odd one out!

a. carrot

b. cabbage

c. cherry

d. lettuce 

9. I had 10 apples. I gave 7 apples to John. Then, mom gave me 3 more. How many apples do I have now?

a. 11

b. 6

c. 9

d. 7

10. Mr Anderson was a fire-fighter. Then he retired. Now he is working in his big farm. He has 3 kids, they are Melisa, Mona and Charlie. Melisa is a driver. She drives the fire-engine. Mona is a teacher and Charlie works in the hospital. 

Which one is true?

a. Now, Mr Anderson works in the hospital.

b. Melisa and Mona are good teachers.

c. Mr Anderson has 3 children.

d. Charlie works in the big farm with his dad. 

11. Yesterday, I went to the beach. I .... some birds and fish. 

a. see

b. seen

c. saw

d. seeing 

12. Jack always ..... behind me but yesterday he .... next to Mia.

a. sat, sits

b. sit, sat

c. sits, sat

d. sits, sit

13. Tony .... sleeping when his Mom called him.

a. were

b. am

c. is

d. was

14. Look at that beautiful car. It must be so ....

a. cheap

b. expensive

c. cheaper

d. cheapest 

15. The teachers ... meeting in the library. 

a. is

b. were

c. was

d. am 

16. It's a mammal. It lives under the sea. 

a. fish

b. whale

c. frog

d. jelly fish

17. The pyramids ... built by ancient Egyptians.

a. is

b. were

c. was

d. am

18. The capital city of France is ....

a. Paris

b. London

c. Tokyo

d. Texas

19. My mom travels a lot. She works in her office. She is a/an ....

a. teacher

b. farmer

c. business woman

d. football player

20. My favourite place is .... I can run and fly the kite. Sometimes I see my friends and we play hide and seek there.

a. jungle

b. river

c. swimming pool

d. city park

21. It is a water transportation

a. inline skates

b. a jet pack

c. a canoe 

d. a three-wheels car

22. There are park near our flat .... people love having picnics there.

a. and

b. because

c. so

d. but

23. Christian went to England ... he stayed in Manchester. 

a. and 

b. because

c. so

d but

24. Don't play on the street .... it's dangerous. 

a. but

b. and

c. so

d. because

25. It started to rain ... we went back home. 

a. because

b. and

c. so

d. but

26. Today is Friday. Yesterday was ....

a. Sunday

b. Monday

c. Thursday

d. Friday

27. Look, that is Michael. Please, don't tell the story to ....

a. he

b. his

c. she

d. him 

28. You must ...

a. drink more water.

b. eat too much candies.

c. play video games every night.

d. be lazy student.

29. I .... ...... in the house when my grandma is sleeping.

a. mustn't shout

b. must shout

c. don't must shout

d. doesn't must shout

30. Did you call me? ...

a. Yes, I do

b. No, I didn't

c. Yes, I am

d. No, I'm not. 

31. People stays here on holiday.

a. sandcastle

b. hotel

c. school

d. hospital

32. This is a very big wave. It's very dangerous.

a. tsunami

b. flood

c. fire

d. tornado

33. Which one is true. 

a. Ricky is working in the garden when he saw me yesterday. 

b. Ricky works in the garden when he was seeing me yesterday.

c. Ricky worked in the garden when he was see me yesterday.

d. Ricky was working in the garden when he saw me yesterday.  

34. I can carry things in it. I carry it on my back. 

a. rucksack

b. shoes

c. belt

d. long sleeves T-shirt

35. The bus leaves .... seven.

a. on

b. in

c. at

d. the 

36. I watch TV .... evening.

a. in the

b. on

c. at

d. have 

37. It's half man and half lion

a. centaur

b. sphinx

c. mummy

d. mermaid

38. It's David's guitar. 

It's ....

a. hers

b. her

c. his

d. him

39. Leo is the man .... stands next to my car.

a. he

b. who

c. where

d. which

40. When I was a student, I ..... to my homework everyday.

a. was 

b. would like

c. used to

d. have to 

Soal olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SD
Soal olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SD

Itulah 40 soal olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SD. Pelajari juga idiom bahasa Inggris tentang hewan, rumah, ataupun lainnya. Ini juga sering masuk dalam olimpiade. Kunci jawabannya berada pada pilihan yang diberi garis bawah. Silahkan manfaatkan dengan baik.

Selanjutnya baca juga soal-soal cerita perkalian dalam Bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan untuk mengajar siswa di sekolah. 

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