Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Terbaru + Kunci
UAS Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 4 SD tidak hanya berfokus pada vocabulary dan membuat kalimat sederhana, namun siswa juga bisa diminta untuk memahami sebuah teks singkat termasuk merespon pertanyaan secara tertulis, baik dalam bentuk pilihan ganda maupun esai.
Dalam menyusun Penilaian Akhir Semester 1 kelas 4 ini terdiri dari tiga bagian, yakni pilihan ganda, isian dan menjawab pertanyaan. Untuk pilihan ganda, berbeda dari UAS B. Inggris Kelas 3, akan ada empat opsi untuk setiap nomor soalnya.
Untuk jumlah soal masih sama seperti Ulangan Akhir Semester kelas 1 Bahasa Inggris, yakni tiga puluh butir dengan masing-masing bagian terdiri dari 10 butir soal.
UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 |
Pada akhir bagian akan ada daftar kunci jawaban untuk memberikan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang ada. Meski demikian untuk pertanyaan terbuka, silahkan guru tetap mengedepankan kebijaksanaan masing-masing.
UAS Kelas 4 Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris
A. Choose the correct answers!
1. Last week, I .... my grandpa in the village.
a. visit
b. visits
c. visited
d. visiting
2. .... you go to the market yesterday morning? No, I didn't.
a. Did
b. Do
c. Does
d. Doing
3. Toba is a name of a ... located in North Sumatera.
a. river
b. city
c. lake
d. beach
4. Yesterday, we ... to the beach.
a. go
b. went
c. going
d. gone
5. I go to Jakarta by .....
a. platform
b. train
c. station
d. chair
6. Last month, I .... a new car.
a. buy
b. buys
c. buying
d. bought
7. My children .... taking a bath.
a. were
b. is
c. was
d. am
8. I ... sitting in the living room.
a. were
b. is
c. was
d. am
9. James and Paul .... watching TV.
a. were
b. is
c. was
d. am
10. Tom ... playing games.
a. were
b. is
c. was
d. am
B. Fill in the blanks!
1. I had pizza but ....
2. The movie was bad so ....
3. I went to the museum and ...
4. She went home early because .....
5. Dad, ..... you help me?
(for number 6-9) When She came ....
6. We .... doing our homework.
7. They .... sleeping.
8. Vladimir .... eating sandwich.
9. My sisters .... crying.
10. Was he watching movie yesterday at 12? Yes, .....
C. Answer the questions!
(For number 1-5)
Yesterday I went to the zoo. I went there with my parents, my brothers and my uncle. There, I saw many animals. First we saw tigers. Then we moved to the sea world. I saw many sea animals, such as fish, dolphin, octopus, crabs and lobster. At 12, We had lunch. I ordered chicken soup and salad. Jim and Tom had ice cream, chocolate pie and beef. Mom and dad had pizza. Uncle Jack ate fried rice and sausages.
At 2 o'clock we moved to the city park. We saw a parade. There were many people. It was fun. Then mom bought me a funny T-shirt. I loved it. At half past four, we went home.
1. Where did they go?
2. What did Uncle Jack eat for lunch?
3. When did they go home?
4. Did Mom ate burger?
5. Were there many people in the park?
6. Make a sentence using the word :
a. Library
b. City park
c. Mall
7. Write 3 rules do you have in your house!
8. Write 3 rules do you have in your classroom!
9. Write a story about your last holiday!
10. Why we must study hard? Explain!
Kunci Jawaban UAS Kelas 4 Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. C
B. Isian
1. kebijaksanaan guru / pertanyaan terbuka
2. kebijaksanaan guru / pertanyaan terbuka
3. kebijaksanaan guru / pertanyaan terbuka
4. kebijaksanaan guru / pertanyaan terbuka
5. could / can
6. kebijaksanaan guru / pertanyaan terbuka
7. were
8. were
9. was
10. he was
C. Esai
1. They went to the zoo.
2. He ate fried rice and sausages.
3. They went home at half past four.
4. No, she didn't.
5. Yes, there were.
6. Kebijaksanaan guru
7. Kebijaksanaan guru
8. Kebijaksanaan guru
9. Kebijaksanaan guru
10. Kebijaksanaan guru
Demikianlah daftar soal UAS Kelas 4 untuk mapel Bahasa Inggris. Baca juga soal PAS untuk Kelas 5 Bahasa Inggris dengan kunci jawabannya. Semoga ini bermanfaat untuk Anda.
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