Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 1 + Kunci Jawaban
PAS Kelas 3 mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris harus bisa mencakup materi yang ada termasuk juga skill yang ingin dikembangkan kepada para siswa. Siswa kelas tiga bisa dikatakan berada di fase transisi. Mereka tetap harus mempelajari vocabulary namun juga sekaligus harus diperkenalkan cara merespon pertanyaan dalam bentuk dialog.
Soal PAS Kelas 3 Semester 1 |
Berbeda dengan PAS Inggris Kelas 2 yang masih berfokus pada kalimat sederhana, Kelas 3 SD sudah harus diperkenalkan cara mengekspresikan ide dan opini mereka. Ini bisa dimaksimalkan di bagian esai.
Kumpulan Soal Penilaian Akhir Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 ini terdiri dari tiga bagian, yakni pilihan ganda, isian singkat dan esai. Silahkan maksimalkan untuk menjadi referensi dalam menyusun ujian atau ulangan akhir semester ganjil.
UAS B. Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 1
A. Choose the correct answers!
1. We can see train in the ....
a. hospital
b. school
c. station
2. We can play kite in the ...
a. street
b. library
c. park
3. We can keep and get money in the ...
a. river
b. bank
c. school
4. Is there any ....
a. apples
b. oranges
c. chocolate
5. Are there any ...
a. bananas
b. milk
c. cheese
6. Is there any chicken? Yes, there is ... chicken.
a. are
b. some
c. two
7. 9.30 = ...
a. nine past three
b. three past thirty
c. half past nine
8. 12.00 = ....
a. twenty
b. twelve
c. two
9. 10.10 = .....
a. ten to ten
b. ten past ten
c. quarter to ten
10. 5.45 = ....
a. quarter past five
b. quarter to six
c. quarter five
B. Fill in the blanks!
1. I like listening to ....
2. I like .... stories.
3. Does he like singing? No, .....
4. We have to .... at school before seven.
5. We have to .... our school uniforms.
6. ... there any cheese?
7. ... there any oranges?
8. On Sunday, I always .... my dog for a walk.
9. 8:15 = ...
10. 11:00 = ...
C. Answer these following questions!
Hi, my name is Lucas. It's my daily activity. I always get up at five. Then I go to bath and take a shower. I have breakfast at quarter past six. At ten to seven I go to school. I go to school by bus. I go home at three o'clock. I play with my friends at four o'clock. At half past six I have dinner. Next, I do my homework and study. I go to bed at half past nine.
1. What's his name?
2. When does he go to school?
3. When does he go to bed?
4. Does he play with his friends at five?
5. Does he watch Tv before sleep?
Hi, I'm Christian. I will tell you about my city. I live in the city. There is a big book store next to my house. There is a small market opposite the hospital. Between the hospital and police station, there is a bank. My mom works there. I always play with my friends in the park. It's near the station.
6. Where is the hospital?
7. What is between hospital and police station?
8. Is there a book store near the station?
9. Where does his mom work?
10. Please make a simple map based on the story!
Kunci Jawaban UAS B. Inggris Kelas 3
A. Pilihan ganda
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. B
B. Isian
1. music/radio
2. writing/reading/enjoying
3. he doesn't
4. arrive
5. wear
6. is
7. are
8. take
9. quarter past eight
10. eleven o'clock
C. Esai
1. His name is Lucas.
2. He goes to school at ten to seven
3. He goes to bed at half past nine.
4. No, he doesn't.
5. No, he doesn't.
6. The hospital is opposite the market.
7. Bank
8. No, there isn't.
9. Bank
10. Kebijaksanaan guru.
Itulah kumpulan soal-soal PAS untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 tingkat SD/MI. Soal ini bisa dikembangkan atau ditingkatkan menggunakan pendekatan dan metode sesuai yang dibutuhkan. Selanjutnya baca juga kumpulan soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD.
Atau jika mencari bahan untuk olimpiade Bahasa Inggris tingkat SD, temukan di Kumpulan Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Sekolah Dasar terbaru dan lengkap beserta kunci jawabannya.
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