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How To Make Puppet - Contoh Procedure Text

Berikut ini adalah contoh procedure text mengenai cara membuat boneka dalam Bahasa Inggris yang sangat sederhana. 

Kami dari adi fun learning sudah memilih dan memilah teks prosedur berikut yang bisa dipakai dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah. Siswa bisa mempraktekkan atau mempresentasikan di depan kelas untuk mencapai target yang sudah ditentukan. 

How To Make Puppet - Contoh Procedure Text
How To Make Puppet - Contoh Procedure Text

How To Make Finger-Puppet 

Materials :

  • Child-friendly scissors
  • Crayons
  • Glue
  • Cardboard paper

Methods : 

  1. Draw shapes of animals on the cardboard paper, leaving enough space at the bottom for the fingers to become the legs. For certain animals, such as an elephant, you can leave space for a finger to be the trunk as well.
  2. Use the scissors to cut them out properly. Once done, let your child use the crayons to paint them in the manner of his choosing. Adding creative flairs will make them create to look at as well.
  3. Now, cut out holes where the fingers should go and slide the fingers there to start puppeteering them around.

How To Make Hand-Puppet From Socks

Materials : 

  • Old socks
  • Balls of wool in different colours
  • Buttons
  • Glue

Methods : 

  1. Stuff the sock with old newspapers to create a full body. This will make it easier to decorate the sock.
  2. Use wool strands in short pieces as hair. Mix up colours to create some wacky characters.
  3. Let the buttons act either as eyes or as actual buttons, depending on how the character is going to be. Glue them appropriately with the hair.
  4. Remove all the newspaper and snug the sock over your hand. Bob the head around and your puppet is ready.

Sumber : First Cry 

Inilah artikel contoh teks prosedur yakni membuat boneka dalam Bahasa Inggris. Selain mudah dan menarik juga tetap bisa menjadi sarana untuk mengeksplorasi kemampuan Bahasa Inggris siswa. Baca juga contoh procedure text lainnya. 

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