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35 Soal Latihan Concrete Noun dan Kunci Jawabannya

Concrete noun - Dalam 8 parts of speech Bahasa Inggris, noun memegang peranan yang sangat penting. Meski demikian, kata benda atau nomina sendiri dibedakan menjadi beberapa jenis. 

Anda bisa melihat macam-macam noun yang ada di postingan sebelumnya, namun kali ini Adi Fun Learning akan khusus membahas tentang concrete noun. 

exercise tentang concrete noun

Concrete noun adalah salah satu jenis noun / nomina yang merupakan benda yang bisa diindera wujudnya. Seperti mobil, api, manusia, hewan, kursi dan sebagainya. Semua bisa diindera dengan mudah. Lawan dari concrete noun adalah abstract noun. 

Untuk membantu memahami dengan lebih baik perihal concrete noun, silahkan kerjakan 25 soal concrete noun berikut. Anda hanya diminta untuk menunjukkan mana yang merupakan concrete noun dalam setiap kalimatnya. Akan ada kunci jawaban untuk memeriksa hasil kerja Anda. 

Soal Latihan Concrete Noun 

A. Underline The Concrete Noun! 

  1. I have many sisters but only one of them is good.
  2. There are seven rooms in his house. 
  3. I saw the highway was blocked because of an accident in the this afternoon.
  4. My aunt always gives us some cakes in the morning.
  5. I have two bikes and all are mine.
  6. My grandmother has two cows who give her enough milk.
  7. I ate two burgers and tea in the breakfast.
  8. I like to see sunset in the evening even I have clicked some pictures.
  9. We can see stars only in the moonlight.
  10. My class teacher teaches me Math and Science. 
  11. I have pain in my left hand for several weeks.
  12. We went to the church every Sunday morning before breakfast.
  13. Bryan came to take my note as he was absent today in class.
  14. Edison was a citizen of the USA who found the lamp. 
  15. Some people do work on weekend.
  16. I always eat chicken and chips everyday. 
  17. Brave soldier always protect their country by standing right on the borders.
  18. My dad gives me a banana daily with lunch.
  19. Me and my sister saw baboons and black panther at the zoo.
  20. My sister has 3 jackets. 
  21. My uncle  has made a big garden in front of the house.
  22. We enjoy every weekend with our family members.
  23. My parents has taught me all the rules.
  24. I have won number of trophies for badminton match.
  25. Sometimes bears come into my yard especially in the rainy season.
  26. I always eat a hard meat in my lunch time.
  27. My grandfather is a famous  musician. 
  28. My uncle has both, cow and buffalo for getting fresh milk.
  29. We really had good time in the zoo as we saw a big tiger.
  30. My teacher has found my missing pencil.

B. Choose The Odd One Out

  1. Pencil, dream, imagination.
  2. house, at school, in the kitchen.
  3. She, boy, they
  4. Love, hate, blood
  5. a team, a group of player, ball.

Kunci Jawaban

Itulah latihan tentang concrete noun. Jika Anda membutuhkan kunci jawaban, bisa dilihat di halaman ini.

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