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Kunci Jawaban Soal Since, For, From

Kunci Jawaban Soal Since, For, From - Bahasa Inggris kaya akan tatabahasa yang harus dipelajari. Salah satunya adalah tentang preposition of time.

Ada banyak sekali preposition of time. Tiga diantaranya adalah since, for dan from. Dalam artikel sebelumnya sudah disajikan soal latihan since, for dan from, maka kali ini kita akan membahas jawaban dan penjelasan lengkapnya. 

A. Write since, for or from

kunci jawaban since, for, from
kunci jawaban since, for, from

1. We have been waiting since 11 o'clock.

2. Lucas has only been waiting for 20 minutes.

3. They have been married since  2014.

4. Oscar Wilde lived in Italy and France from 1897 until his death in 1900.

5. The missing man hasn't been seen since  three weeks.

6. The bridge still isn't finished. They've been building it for six years.

7. I'm not surprised you were cold and tired if you were skiing for six hours without a warm drink or any lunch.

8. The writer Oscar Wilde lived in Italy and France since the last three years of his life.

9. Queen Victoria was on the throne from 1837 to 1901.

10. England hasn't won the football World Cup since  1966.

11. We live in Milan now, but we lived in Rome for a few years.

12. Ivan and Sergey have been learning Spanish for six years.

13. I will be ready from 4 o'clock tomorrow.

14. Dilan and Milea have been going out together since  Christmas last year.

15. I haven't been on holiday since  last July.

16. She has been saving her money for many years.

17. I haven't eaten anything since  yesterday.

18. The store is open from 8 to 7.

19. Our family and friends have been living here for 12 years.

20. I've been in the same job for twenty years.

21. Pamela has been in the kitchen since  3 hours ago.

22. I've been in the same job since  I left school.

23. John's been on holiday for three times Christmas. What a life!

24. It's been snowing since Monday. It's a metre deep in our garden.

25. I have known Kimmy since  we were at school.

Penjelasan : 

  • From memiliki rumus .....from ....until ..... atau .... from ..... to .....
  • Jika dalam kalimat terdapat indikasi durasi, maka harus menggunakan for.
  • Jika dalam kalimat terdapat indikasi starting point, maka harus menggunakan since.

B. Choose True or False!

kunci jawaban soal-soal since, for, from
kunci jawaban soal-soal since, for, from

1. We've been lived here for 1999. (true) (false)

Jawaban : false. 

Penjelasan : preposisi yang tepat harusnya adalah since, karena 1999 bukanlah durasi tetapi starting point. 

2. She's been here for yesterday. (true) (false)

Jawaban : false. 

Penjelasan : preposisi yang tepat harusnya adalah since, karena yesterday bukanlah durasi tetapi starting point. 

3. We've been reading this book from 4 hours. (true) (false)

Jawaban : false. 

Penjelasan : preposisi yang tepat harusnya adalah for, karena 4 hours adalah durasi.

4. Tom's known me since 10 years. (true) (false)

Jawaban : false. 

Penjelasan : preposisi yang tepat harusnya adalah for, karena 10 years adalah durasi bukan starting point. 

5. Amanda has been in the hotel since last week. (true) (false)

Jawaban : true. 

Penjelasan : penggunaan since sudah tepat dan cocok dengan adverb of time last week

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