Place Value | Math Grade 3
Math Grade 3 Place Value - Siswa kelas 3 harus benar-benar mantap dalam memahami nilai tempat dan nilai bilangan. Berikut adalah soal latihan untuk memantapkan pemahaman murid kelas tiga mengenai place value.
Exercise | Place Value
A. Fill in the blank.
- 425
- The digit ... is in the hundreds place.
- The digit ... is in the tens place.
- The digit ... is in the ones place.
- 100
- The digit ... is in the hundreds place.
- The digit ... is in the tens place.
- The digit ... is in the ones place.
- 307
- The digit ... is in the hundreds place.
- The digit ... is in the tens place.
- The digit ... is in the ones place.
- 419
- The digit ... is in the hundreds place.
- The digit ... is in the tens place.
- The digit ... is in the ones place.
- 705
- The digit ... is in the hundreds place.
- The digit ... is in the tens place.
- The digit ... is in the ones place.
B. Write the Value.
- 745
- The value of the digit 7 is ...
- The value of the digit 4 is ...
- The value of the digit 5 is ...
- 253
- The value of the digit 2 is ...
- The value of the digit 5 is ...
- The value of the digit 3 is ...
- 987
- The value of the digit 9 is ...
- The value of the digit 8 is ...
- The value of the digit 7 is ...
- 107
- The value of the digit 1 is ...
- The value of the digit 0 is ...
- The value of the digit 7 is ...
- 342
- The value of the digit 3 is ...
- The value of the digit 4 is ...
- The value of the digit 2 is ...
Answer- Key
A. Fill in the blank.
- 425
- The digit 4 is in the hundreds place.
- The digit 2 is in the tens place.
- The digit 5 is in the ones place.
- 100
- The digit 1 is in the hundreds place.
- The digit 0 is in the tens place.
- The digit 0 is in the ones place.
- 307
- The digit 3 is in the hundreds place.
- The digit 0 is in the tens place.
- The digit 7 is in the ones place.
- 419
- The digit 4 is in the hundreds place.
- The digit 1 is in the tens place.
- The digit 9 is in the ones place.
- 705
- The digit 7 is in the hundreds place.
- The digit 0 is in the tens place.
- The digit 5 is in the ones place.
B. Write the Value.
- 745
- The value of the digit 7 is hundreds.
- The value of the digit 4 is tens.
- The value of the digit 5 is ones.
- 253
- The value of the digit 2 is hundreds.
- The value of the digit 5 is tens.
- The value of the digit 3 is ones.
- 987
- The value of the digit 9 is hundreds.
- The value of the digit 8 is tens.
- The value of the digit 7 is ones.
- 107
- The value of the digit 1 is hundreds.
- The value of the digit 0 is tens.
- The value of the digit 7 is ones.
- 342
- The value of the digit 3 is hundreds.
- The value of the digit 4 is tens.
- The value of the digit 2 is ones.
Itulah soal latihan mengenai nilai tempat dan nilai bilangan. Semoga bisa membantu Anda semua dalam mengajar matematika di sekolah internasional atau nasional plus. Selanjutnya baca juga soal tema 3 subtema 2 kelas 3.
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