Daftar Collective Noun untuk Manusia, Hewan dan Benda Terlengkap dalam Bahasa Inggris
Collective noun adalah kata benda yang berfungsi untuk menyebutkan kelompok, kumpulan dan kesatuan. Secara garis besar, dalam tata bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan part of speech atau jenis-jenis kata. Salah satu dari itu adalah noun atau kata benda.
Meski pada dasarnya dihitung atau diperlakukan sebagai singular, namun dalam beberapa kasus tertentu, collective noun juga bisa menjadi plural atau jamak.
Daftar Lengkap Collective Noun
Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut adalah daftar collective noun yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
Collective Noun untuk Orang / Manusia
- A Band Of Musicians
- A Bench Of Magistrates
- A Bevy Of Ladies
- A Board Of Directors
- A Body Of Men
- A Bunch Of Crooks
- A Caravan Of Gypsies
- A Caravan Of Travellers
- A Cast Of Actors
- A Choir Of Singers
- A Choir Of Singers
- A Circle Of Friends
- A Class Of Pupils
- A Class Of Students
- A Cohort Of Guests/Visitors
- A College Of Cardinals
- A Company Of Actors
- A Conference Of Delegates
- A Confusion Of Professor
- A Congregation Of Worshippers
- A Crew Of Sailors
- A Crowd Of People
- A Draught Of Butlers
- A Dynasty Of Kings
- A Dynasty Of Kings
- A Faculty Of Teachers
- A Feast Of Brewers
- A Flock Of Prisoners
- A Flock Of Tourists
- A Flood Of Plumbers.
- A Gaggle Of Women
- A Galaxy Of Governesses
- A Gang Of Crimes
- A Gang Of Prisoners
- A Gang Of Thieves
- A Group Of Dancers
- A Group Of Soldiers
- A Horde Of Savages
- A Host Of Angels
- A House Of Senators
- A Line Of Kings
- A Lying Of Pardoners
- A Mob Of Rioters
- A Pack Of Thieves
- A Panel Of Experts
- A Party Of Friends
- A Patrol Of Policemen
- A Posse Of Policemen
- A Posse Of Sheriffs
- A Regiment Of Soldiers
- A Squad Of Soldiers
- A Staff Of Employees
- A Staff Of Officials
- A Syndicate Of Merchants
- A Team Of Athletes
- A Team Of Players
- A Tribe Of Indian
- A Tribe Of Natives
- A Troop Of Scouts
- A Troupe Of Artistes
- A Troupe Of Dancers/Acrobats
- A Unit Of Army
- An Audience Of Listeners
Collective Noun untuk Hewan
- A Bale Of Turtles
- A Barrel Of Monkeys
- A Barren Of Mules
- A Bask Of Crocodiles
- A Battery Of Barracudas
- A Bazaar Of Guillemots
- A Bed Of Clams/Eels/Oysters/Snakes
- A Bed Of Cockles
- A Bloat Of Hippos
- A Caravan Of Camels
- A Clan Of Hyenas
- A Clowder Of Cats
- A Cluster Of Bees/Grasshoppers
- A Clutter Of Cats/Starlings
- A Clutter Of Spiders
- A Colony Of Ants/Beavers/Gulls/Penguins/Rabbits
- A Congress Of Baboons
- A Cowardice Of Curs
- A Crash Of Rhinos
- A Cry Of Hounds
- A Culture Of Bacteria
- A Down Of Hares
- A Draught Of Fish
- A Dray Of Squirrels
- A Drift Of Pig/Swine
- A Drove Of Cattle
- A Fall Of Lambs
- A Family Of Otter
- A Field Of Racehorses
- A Flight Of Dragons
- A Flink Of Cows
- A Float Of Crocodiles
- A Flock Of Geese/Lice/Sheep
- A Flutter Of Butterflies
- A Herd Of Boars
- A Herd Of Cattle
- A Kennel Of Dogs
- A Litter Of Cubs
- A Pod Of Whales
- A Pride Of Lions
- A Swarm Of Flies
- A Swarm/Hive Of Bees
- A Tower Of Giraffes
- A Troop Of Monkeys
- A Yoke Of Oxen
- An Army Of Ants
- An Earth Of Foxes
Collective Noun untuk Benda dan Tempat
- a babel of words
- a bale of cotton
- a bank of circuits
- a bank of monitors
- a batch of breads
- a battery of guns
- a block of flats
- a book of exercises
- a box of cigars
- a budget of papers
- a bunch of books/keys
- a bundle of sticks
- a catalogue of goods
- a cellar of wine
- a chain/range of mountains
- a chest of drawers
- a cluster of stars
- a clutch of eggs
- a confederation/union of states
- a fleet of lorries
- a fleet of ships
- a flight of stairs
- a gallery of pictures
- a glossary of words/phrases
- a group/chain of islands
- a heap of sand
- a library of books
- a line of cars
- a list of names
- a museum of art
- a nest of rumors
- a network of computers
- a network of roads
- a pack of cards
- a palette of colors
- a rabble of remedies
- a ring of keys
- a series of events
- a set of tools
- a sheaf of arrows
- a shower of rain
- a stack of hay
- a string of pearls
- a whirl of windmills
- an agenda of tasks
- an album of photographs
- an alliance of countries
- an anthology of poems/prose
- an armada of ships
- an atlas of maps
Itulah daftar collective noun orang, hewan dan benda / tempat dalam Bahasa Inggris. Baca juga artikel lainnya tentang pronoun yang akan membantu Anda lebih mahir berbahasa Inggris.
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