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Berita untuk Anda

Kunci Jawaban Soal Much vs Many

Berikut adalah kunci jawaban untuk soal latihan Bahasa Inggris Much dan Many. Setelah Anda tahu perbedaan dari much dan many serta mengerjakan exercises yang ada, kini saatnya mencocokkan jawaban Anda.

Exercise 1 

Complete the sentences. Use many or much!

  1. Many : karena player termasu countable noun
  2. Much : karena cost termasuk uncountable noun.
  3. Much : karena time termasuk uncountable noun.
  4. Much : karena water termasuk uncountable noun.
  5. Many : karena victim termasuk countable noun.
  6. Many : karena children termasuk countable noun.
  7. Much : karena snow termasuk uncountable noun.
  8. Much : karena food termasuk uncountable noun.
  9. Many : karena shops termasuk countable noun.
  10. Much : karena noise termasuk uncountable noun.

Exercise 2

Make your own sentences! (Kerjakan Sendiri)

Exercise 3

Write True or False!

  1. I don't have much money to buy that book. (True)
  2. She has much sugar in the kitchen. (True)
  3. Tom has much friends. (False, karena harusnya many friends)
  4. They have much problems with each other. (False, karena harusnya many problems)
  5. I have much dogs at home. (False karena harusnya many dogs)